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Solution Finish

Trim Restorer

Trim Restorer


Regular price $26.00
Regular price Sale price $26.00
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Resurrect Your Trim From a Faded Fate

Plastic is one of the most susceptible surfaces on vehicles today, especially when it comes to UV damage/fading. Harsh UV rays will fade out black plastic trim to the point that it looks more like a greyish. While preventive protectants will save your trim from this faded fate, sometimes it's already too late. If that's the case, there is a much better solution than the oily coverup products you'll find on the market today. That solution is Solution Finish.

What is Solution Finish?

Solution finish isn't an ink, dye, stain, or temporary fix product. Developed to restore, not cover up, Solution Finish uses a unique formulation of a solvent-based modified black carbon to accomplish 3 different jobs while delivering unparalleled results. The main chemical operations being performed are:

* Dissolving Oxidation - Since Solution finish is solvent-based, it actually dissolves surface oxidation on the plastic. Removing this surface damage is a key reason that Solution Finish can provide lasting results.
* Infusing Carbon - The second chemical operation being performed is the infusion of black carbon into the microscopic pores of the plastic. The insertion of black carbon back into the material is what brings the plastic back to its natural appearance.
* Leaving Antioxidants and Light Stabilizers - Lastly, to add longevity and performance to the application Solution Finish utilizes antioxidants and light stabilizers designed to prevent UV radiation from causing further damage to the trim.

A struggle that many other trim products have is the ability to penetrate the surface of plastics. While plastic is considered a porous material, it is at a microscopic level. Silicone-based products are much larger at the chemical component level and are a little too fat to make it into the material. In the manufacturing process of these components the carbon is milled down 7 times, bringing its size down to that of a virus. From there, it's modified and combined with a penetrating oil that drives it deep into the microscopic pores. Hence, restoring it back to black!

Car Care Recommendation of Steps:

  1. As with any other aspect of detailing, a clean and prepped surface is the key to success. Start by cleaning the vehicle to remove any debris from the surface. Once fully cleaned we can prepare the trim for application.
  2. It's important to note that Solution Finish will not bond to chrome or paint, but it can stain if left there. Therefore, masking off isn't mandatory. Just wipe it off the chrome or paint part after application.
  3. Using a dedicated prep spray or an all purpose cleaner paired with a short nap microfiber, give the surface a thorough wipe down. If you are working with intricate or detailed plastic a detail brush can help ensure you work your prep solution over the entire surface.
  4. Make sure you dry the surface completely before moving forward with the application of trim restorer. 
  5. Since you don't want to infuse yourself with black-carbon make sure you are wearing gloves to protect your hands. 
  6. Vigorously shake the bottle to ensure the product is thoroughly mixed before application. Once done, apply a small amount of product to a microfiber applicator. 
  7. Start working the product into the plastics and all crevices. Be sure to work the product in a straight, even motion to ensure even product distribution. You'll notice that Solution Finish immediately absorbs into the plastic.
  8. You can proceed to apply another layer once the surface is completely dry after first application. This will ensure maximum penetration and longetivity. In instance where you observe the product is not longer absorbing into the plastic, you know you have reach the MAX! Give it 20 mins and wipe off excess. 

Waa-laa! Durability expected is between 16-24 months! 


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